February 11, 2008


Her name simple,
As simple as she.
No wants in life,
She wanted life.
Company she sought,
In herself, she found.
She looked above,
At a sun, so bright.
Warmth, it gave her
From the cold inside,
It warmed her heart,
And left her cold.
She turned,
Giving a smile,
For the cold she treasured,
For the few in life.
You deserved a smile,
If you treated her right,
You were given the smile,
Her if you her be.
Her moods,
Along they ran, as
Every day, every night,
She showed the same face,
One seen, hiding
The one unseen.
Happy she was,
Where she lain.
No questions asked,
Answers, she had
To everything, simple,
Nothing, she said.
She took a walk,
Ne’er return she did,
She lost her way,
Under the burning sun.
Happy, she still lain,
For being lost.
In that loss, she gained
Herself, her old self,
In a new self, she found.
Nila, she still lies,
The same way,
I found her that night.
No question asked,
A smile she gave,
Answered nothing,
Everything she said.
Nila, a smile,
A tear behind that smile.

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